Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Most Anticapated Movies of Summer 2012

Well, the Summer movie season is almost here!! So here are my top 10 most anticapated movies for this Summer!

10. Men in Black 3- Really liked the first one, but not really the second one. But this third movie looks really good.

9. Rock of Ages- This movie I don't know why but it just looks like a great movie with good actors, and a great soundtrack. Cant wait to see it!

8. Dark Shadows- I love the Johnny Depp and the Tim Burton duo! Every movie they do is great so I'm sure this movie will be good as well.

7. Bourne Legacy- I dont know if this will be any good without Matt Damon but I'm very curious to see it!

6. Total Recall- From the recently released trailer, this movie looks pretty epic. Should be a good remake. 

5. Snow White and the Huntsman- This movie looks very dark and very good. It's also got a great cast! This is the one Snow White movie this year I wanted to see!

4. Prometheus- From the trailer it looks like an Alien prequel, and the trailer gave me goosebumps!!! Can't wait to find out whats going on in this movie. Ridley Scott says the fans will be rewarded in the last 15 minutes of the movie! So who knows!

3. The Amazing Spider-Man- It is a little early for a reboot but I love Spider-Man and Andrew Garfield looks like he will make a good one and its also got Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy in it, which sounds PERFECT!

2. The Avengers- I have been waiting for this movie for four years now and I can not wait until May 4th!! And what makes me even more excited is the people who got to see an early screening of it are saying it was fantastic!!

1. The Dark Knight Rises- I dont think I even have to explain this one. The movie looks beyond amazing and I cant wait to see this at midnight!!! Also The Dark Knight is one of my all time favorite movies so my expectations are pretty high!! 

Well thats the list!! Lets hope most of those movies are great!!! Vote what your most anticipated movie of the Summer is in my poll going on right now! 

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